Welcome to the 2024 First Nation Communities Read Awards (FNCR) Longlist in the Children's Category. GoodMinds.com is pleased to offer a bundle special offer, featuring 35 FNCR titles for Children.
A complimentary tote bag accompanies the order, when a complete bundle is purchased - the price of each book is discounted by 10%, a $10.00 Flat Rate Shipping fee applies, and GST is included. Extra purchases are not included in this $10 shipping and 10% discount offer. Order separately or all 3 offers together. Shipping Special Offer for orders within Canada. *ALL PRICES IN CANADIAN DOLLARS.
The books in our bundle have been chosen by Indigenous Public Librarians and celebrates the very best of Indigenous literature across Turtle Island.
Blue Camas, Blue Camas | Hardcover (Only available with the purchase of this bundle)
NOTE: will contribute 5% of the net sale to the SILT Fund (Supporting Indigenous Libraries Today!). makes this contribution at no cost to the customer. Your support is appreciated!
First Nation Communities READ (FNCR) Awards Program is the Ontario First Nation Public Library Community’s contribution to the reading movement. Launched in 2003 by the First Nations Public Library Community in Ontario with support from the Ontario Library Service, it promotes a community-based approach to reading.